ID8 Pre-Accelerator

Pre-Accelerator for Startups will take place May and June 2016
If you want to get on the fast track to seed funding or getting into a top accelerator, complete phase 1 of the ID8 application process by filling out this form. Those selected for phase 2 of the process will be notified and given a 10 minute pitch/interview.
What is ID8?
ID8 is the best startup accelerator program in the Willamette Valley that helps new companies get into top accelerators and attract seed funding opportunities.
How does ID8 work?
Meet Mentors
Our top flight business mentors know the challenges a startup goes through, and provide personalized, thoughtful, and insightful coaching to ID8 teams. These entrepreneurs come from all industries, and bring a wealth of experience and knowledge that truly sets ID8 apart as a high impact experience for enrollees.
Learn Strategy
ID8 teaches the most cutting edge methods in startup planning, centered around the Strategyzer tools, including business model canvas, value proposition canvas, hypothesis testing, business model environment analysis, and others. These strategies allow startups to evolve their plan from a faith-based idea to a fact-based business case.
Being apart of ID8 is about being part of a greater whole — getting connected to peers, contacts, potential collaborators, and of course coaches and mentors. We believe that 1+1= 3, or 30, or even 300. Our program puts startups in the position to see, be seen, and connect with the world around them.
Who should apply to ID8?
ID8 is for entrepreneurs with early stage startups or startup concepts, who want to integrate into the Eugene entrepreneurship ecosystem, network, connect with mentors, and get on the path to a top accelerator. Companies with large amounts of outside capital, customers, and sales may be too mature, but each company is evaluated individually to assess the value they could get out of ID8.
Questions? Contact ID8 Program Director David C. Youngentob
Program Format
Duration: 8 weeks
Lecture Seminars
Tuesdays 5-8pm
Seminar; Open to the Public (1 hour)
Workshop (2 hour)
Scheduled Flexibility (1 hour/week)
Final Pitch Event (Open to the Public)
The ID8 series gave me the kind of hands-on workshop experience I needed to jumpstart my understanding of cutting edge thinking on business model generation. The weekly presentations and workshops were great and the followup meetings provided access to great mentors with real world expertise.
Tom Keating, Founder
Cognitopia, LLC
My business was struggling month to month because I had focused exclusively on the product. ID8 provided peer and mentor knowledge and got my attention focused on the business. Now I have pulled together a business plan, financial projections and have hired an employee. I am spending my time doing business development and fundraising. Considering it has only been less than a year since ID8 I feel my growth as a business person has been dramatic, and this will always be a part of my success going forward.
Molly Rogers, Founder
Lola’s Fruit Shrubs
The experienced ID8 mentors helped Third Ocean identify business model flaws before they became a problem. Through group discussions, one-on-one mentoring, and a great deal of coaching, we made the appropriate pivots, and we now have a substantially stronger business model with greater chances of success.
Esteban Vollendweider and Kevin Bull, Co-founders
Third Ocean, LLC
I’ve been rewarded as a mentor for ID8, getting to work with talented individuals and teams that are anxious to hear about my experiences in developing products and early stage ventures. It is great to see startups develop and change their strategies and plans based upon input that they’ve received from ID8 mentors.
John Hudspeth, Mentor
The strategies and tools taught in ID8 give students an invaluable framework, one that truly develops and guides small ideas into fully fledged ventures. The ID8 team has acutely identified key concepts and ideas that have helped numerous other startups navigate the early stages of their venture. The ID8 staff has successfully built a program that helps our local companies understand those concepts easily.
Derek Schloss, JD/MBA, Mentor
ID8 provided my team the opportunity to network not only with experienced mentors, but also other entrepreneurs. These relationships will be a huge value to us in the years to come.
Nathan Gustafson, Co-Founder
Sit With Me